Ice Cream Dream Activities | Artshine
Grade 1:
Overall Expectations:
generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience;
Specific Expectation:
write short texts using a few simple forms (e.g., a recount of personally significant experiences; a simple report on top- ics of interest to the writer and identified in non-fiction reading;“How to”books identifying the steps in a procedure such as“How to Make Applesauce”, including pictures, symbols, and words; a story modelled on characters and events from stories read; their own variation on a familiar poem, chant, or song; a poster for the classroom)
Activity Idea:
Ice Cream is delicious! Can you spot your favourite type of frozen treat in your picture?
Write about your favourite ice cream by answering the following questions.
What does it taste like?
What does it look like?
Is it soft or crunchy?
Grade 2:
Healthy Living
Overall Expectation:
demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to healthy development;
Specific Expectations:
D2.1 Healthy eating patterns
D2.2 Food choices (snacks, meals)
Activity Idea:
Ice Cream is one of my favourite foods, but I only have it as a treat because there are so many other foods that our bodies need to stay healthy. Did your picture make you think of your favourite frozen treat?
Could you imagine if the picture was made of fruits and vegetables instead of ice cream? Which fruit or vegetable would you want in your picture?
Now make a list of all of your favourite foods and circle the ones that are healthy with a green crayon and ones that we should only have once in a while with a blue crayon.
Grade 5:
Healthy Living
Overall Expectation:
demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to healthy development;
Specific Expectations:
D2.1 explain how to use nutrition fact tables and ingredient lists on food labels to make informed choices about healthy and safe foods
Activity Idea:
How did you choose the colours for your ice cream? Did it make you think of your favorite flavour?
We know ice cream is not a food that you should eat often, but it is still a fun treat! What helps you know if something is healthy or not? How could you determine if a food is healthy for you to eat?
Provide students with 2 nutrition fact tables, one for a food deemed healthy by the food guide, and the other, ice cream. Have the students analyze both tables to determine which one they think is for the ice cream and then explain why.