Artshine Camp Policies

Artshine Camp – 2021/2022 

COVID-19 Day Camp Plan 


Note: All guidelines noted on this document were taken from the Ontario Ministry of Health COVID-19 Guidance: Summer Day Camps document. Following these guidelines, Artshine has created their own document of policies and procedures for camps being offered in 2021/2022. Additional information regarding our specific policies and procedures will be sent out to all parents/guardians a minimum of 1 week prior to the start of their registered camp week. 

These guidelines will continue to be updated in accordance with updates from the Ministry of Health


Ensure all current infection prevention and control practices are adhered to: 

  • Ensuring all materials used can be disinfected or are single use and disposed of each day. 
  • Minimizing the sharing of objects. 
  • Increasing the cleaning of all frequently touched objects, items, and surfaces to a minimum of two times per day. 
  • Using cleaning products that have a Drug Identification Number (DIN). 
  • Promoting and performing frequent and proper hand hygiene and supervising or assisting campers when required. 


Encourage physical distancing of at least 2 meters between camp participants, parents/guardians and staff: 

  • Spreading camp participants into different areas 
  • Using visual cues. 
  • Staggering lunchtime and outdoor play. 
  • Using telephone or video conferencing, when possible, for meetings between staff and parents/guardians. 


Operate programs in consistent cohorts of no more than 14 individuals, including both camp staff and camp participants, who stay together throughout the duration of the program: 

  • Face coverings (non-medical masks) are recommended but not required. Masks do not need to be worn outside.
  • Cohorts will not mix with other cohorts or be within the same room/space at the same time, including pick-ups and drop-offs, mealtimes, playtime, outdoor activities, program spaces, tents, staff areas/rooms. 
  • Programs that utilize a shared room/space by cohorts (i.e. washrooms) will be cleaned and disinfected before and after using the space (a cleaning log will be posted and used to track all cleaning). 
  • Personal belongings brought to camp will be labelled and kept in a designated area for each cohort and will not be handled by anyone from another cohort. 


Camp participant drop-off and pick-up will happen outside the program setting. 


Drop-off and pick-up procedures will support physical distancing and cohorting, including separate cohort entrances (when possible) and staggering entry. 


COVID-19 Vaccine & Screening: 

  • Proof of vaccination against COVID-19 is not required for any camp participants.
  • All individuals, including camp participants and staff must complete online daily screening prior to arrival at program setting and prior to entry. Entry will be denied to any individuals who have failed the online screening and/or who are displaying any symptoms outlined in the COVID-19 Reference Document for Symptoms.
  • Required camp paperwork will be emailed out to registered parents a minimum of one week prior to the start of camp and will be due a minimum of three business days prior to the start of camp. Failure to return paperwork by the due date will result in loss of camp spot and no refund will be permitted. 
  • Alcohol-based sanitizer will be available at the camp setting.
  • Staff will be required to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) and are required to be fully vaccinated (two acceptable doses + 14 days). Staff will not be required to wear masks during eating and drinking breaks, or outdoors unless 6-feet of distance cannot be maintained from another individual


Management of Camp Participants with Suspected COVID-19: 

  • A minimum of one week prior to the start of camp, Artshine will share their protocols for notifying parents/guardians if their camp participants begins to show symptoms of COVID-19 while in camp, to registered parents.
  • This will include the need of immediate pick-up and isolation of camp participant until pick-up .


Occupational Health and Safety: 

  • Artshine will provide written measures and procedures for staff safety, including for infection prevention and control. 
  • Artshine will provide policies and protocol for staff who are diagnosed with COVID-19 or who come in close contact with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19. 
  • Comprehensive and mandatory health and safety training will be provided to all staff prior to the start of camp. 



Artshine Camp – 2021/2022 

COVID-19 Day Camp Plan 


What to Expect On-Site 


This notice will provide examples of the health and safety measures that have been implemented. These guidelines will continue to be updated in accordance with updates from the Ministry of Health:

  • Low ratios of 1:15 – each camp group will have a maximum of 15 campers and 1 camp staff/counsellor for a total group size of 16 
  • Camp staff will be wearing a mask at all times (with the exception of eating breaks) and will be fully vaccinated against COVID-19
  • Camp groups will run on staggered schedules with each group having different designated: eating times, outdoor times, washroom access (washrooms will be sanitized before the next group) 
  • Daily pick-up and drop-off will occur outdoors 
  • Each camp group will have a designated entrance to the main camp building, if possible
  • Daily screening process for both staff and campers 
  • Camp cohorts will use shared supplies
  • Campers who display any signs or symptoms of illness will not be allowed to attend camp that day; please keep them home for the health and safety of everyone 
  • All camp staff will be trained in COVID-19 protocols