Comic, Superhero & Anime Summer Camp: July 15th - 19th at Benjamin Tree Farm

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Please review required forms below.

KW and Oakville Only: Extended Day Care options are now available for the week 1 hour before camp and 1.5 hours after camp.

Extended Care Options: Camp only 9:00am-4:00pm


Artshine Camp Waiver Form & Alternative Pick-Ups

Please read this before registering.
Liability Waiver

As the parent/legal guardian of this above named child, I request that in my absence the above named child be admitted to any hospital or medical facility for diagnosis and treatment in the event of an accident, injury, sickness, etc. I request and authorize physicians, nurses, dentists, and staff to perform any diagnostic procedures, treatment procedures, and operative procedures to the above named individual in the event of an accident, injury, sickness, etc. I have not been given any guarantee as to the result of any treatment if performed on the above named individual. I hereby accept any financial responsibility for any and all medical treatment necessary to be administered to the above named child in the event of an accident, injury, sickness, etc. Any representative of the following organization is designated to act in by behalf until I have been contacted: ARTSHINE INC.

I have read and understood the information provided by ARTSHINE regarding camp. I waive any right to claim against ARTSHINE’S owners, staff and teachers in the event of an accident, injury, or loss of personal items. I understand that I am committing to participation in ARTSHINE camp and reserving a place in class for the designated session. ARTSHINE does not offer refunds for tuition paid but will provide a credit towards future ARTSHINE program when warranted. I understand it is my responsibility to pick up my child from the designated location at the designated times unless other arrangements have been made. I authorize the release of my child’s artwork and photo for display purposes by ARTSHINE.

Alternative Individual for Pick-up of Camper

As the parent/legal guardian of the registered child, you will need to authorize an alternative individual or individuals to pick-up the registered child should you not be available. You will specifiy the names of these individuals using the form on this page. Anyone not specified by you will not be permitted to pick-up the registered child. Any alternative individuals will be required to show proof of government issued photo identification.

REQUIRED: Click to download Alternative Camp Pick-Up Form

Have you ever wanted to create your own superhero? This is your chance! This week we’ll design our own characters, create our own comic books, and write our own stories. What type of superpowers would you like to have? We’ll also learn the fun and trendy Japanese art of Anime! Get ready to make your own Anime character – maybe they’ll make an appearance in your comic book! 

Each day will also include outdoor play (weather permitting).

Please ensure to pack a water bottle, nut-free lunch, two nut-free snacks, hat, and weather appropriate clothing.


Date: July 15-19, 2024

Hours: 9:00am - 4:00pm, daily (before & after-care is available, please select at check-out)

Location: Benjamin Tree Farm - 770 Benjamin Road, Waterloo

Age: JK - Grade 6

Camp Price + Cleaning Fee: $325 (no tax)

Group Ratios: 15:1 (15 campers to 1 counsellor)


*Registration closes July 2nd at 11:59pm. Late registrations will not be accepted*

*Artshine reserves the right to cancel this camp at any time*

Artshine will continue to monitor public health recommendations regarding covid-19 and will follow protocol as they are released. At this time there are no covid related restrictions in place. 

*All camp registrations are final sale. Refunds will not be issued*

Check out our camp policies, including Artshine's Health & Safety statement, here