Chippy the Squirrel Activities | Artshine
Grade 1:
Geometry and Spatial Sense
Overall Expectation:
identify common two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional figures and sort and classify them by their attributes;*
Specific Expectation:
identify and describe common two- dimensional shapes (e.g.,circles,triangles, rectangles, squares) and sort and classify them by their attributes (e.g., colour; size; texture; number of sides), using concrete materials and pictorial representations (e.g.,“I put all the triangles in one group. Some are long and skinny, and some are short and fat, but they all have three sides.”);
Activity Idea:
Chippy the Squirrel is made up of a lot of different shapes and lines. Looking at your picture, name three shapes that you can find.
Next, draw those shapes on a piece of paper and label them.
Once you've drawn and labelled the shapes, count how many sides and points they have, and write that down as well.
Finally, using all three of the shapes, create a new picture. What did you create?
Grade 2:
Overall Expectations:
read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of literary, graphic, and informational texts, using a range of strategies to construct meaning;
Specific Expectation:
read some different literary texts (e.g., poetry, folk tales, fairy tales from diverse cultures, stories, books from home in their first language), graphic texts (e.g., simple maps, charts, diagrams, graphs), and informational texts (e.g.,“How to”books, non-fiction books about topics of personal interest, electronic texts, primary dictionaries)
Activity Idea:
Today you learned how to draw Chippy the Squirrel. What was your favourite part about the tutorial?
Now that you know how to draw Chippy it is time to learn a little bit more about squirrels. Go to and read about the eastern gray squirrel.
Find and write down 3 facts that you think are really interesting about the gray squirrel.
Grade 6:
Understanding Life Systems
Overall Expectation:
investigate the characteristics of living things, and classify diverse organisms according to specific characteristics;
Specific Expectations:
use scientific inquiry/research skills (see page 15) to compare the characteristics of organisms within the plant or animal kingdoms (e.g., compare the characteristics of a fish and a mammal, of coniferous and deciduous trees, of ferns and flowering plants)
Activity Idea:
In Sonia’s tutorial you learned how to draw a squirrel, but have you ever wondered about the difference between a squirrel and a chipmunk?
Investigate and compare the similarities and differences between the two. Once you have finished your research, write a short paragraph about each one, and why you believe they are important to the environment.